Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is it February Already?

I can’t quite believe we are moving to the middle of February. Has it already been a month since I last entered a blog? January is a month when we need to put the finishing touches on the MCC Ethiopia budget and send it to Akron. Consequently we try to connect with our partners, old and new, to get a sense of what amount we need for each program. December-January was also a time when we applied for ‘dedicated funds’ for various programs we have. That is, funds available from Akron from specific accounts for specific purposes. For example, there is a ‘peace fund’ and any programs we have that fit the criteria for peace building/ making we apply for. This way the money comes from that fund and not our core budget. There is a “Generations At Risk” (GAR) fund for programs dealing with HIV/ AIDS, a Peace Fund and a few others. So we spent time lining things up. There was, in addition, plenty of other ‘distractions’ along the way. All this is to say, sorry, haven’t kept in touch with all of you who have been clicking on our blogspot and waiting in vain for some news. So I’ll send a few off this week in a bid to play catch up.

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